Equity & Equal Opportunity Reports

The Office of Institutional Equity and Equal Opportunity (EEO) seeks to promote an environment free of discrimination and inequity. The reports listed on this page document the employment patterns of full-time EEO faculty and staff which includes those engaged primarily in one of the following activities: instruction, research, clinical activities, extension, and library service. Faculty and data are reported by race/ethnicity and gender. Additionally, faculty are listed by rank and tenure status. Finally, the report lists information on new hires for full-time faculty and staff positions.


Full-Time Faculty and Staff by Race/Ethnicity and Gender

EEO faculty includes those engaged primarily in one of the following activities: instruction, research, clinical activities, extension, and library service.


The reports above include Hospital Staff.

Beginning in 2006, library faculty are reported to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) as "other professionals". However, they are included here to ensure consistent comparisons over time, and because they are considered faculty at the University of Kentucky.