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Informal Interviews and Focus Groups

While our primary objective was to collect the impressions of individuals who have chosen not to participate in adult education programming, to do this, we needed to understand the attitudes and perspectives of adult education providers and current students.  In addition to the data collected in each site from adult education providers and community leaders, we also conducted an informal phone survey of adult education providers (1999 DAEL grant recipients). Adult education providers responsible for 193 sites across Kentucky were contacted.  Through this survey we gathered information regarding the hours and locations of adult education programs, general demographics of students served, and the average distances students traveled.  This data provided background for our interviews and helped us understand how typical adult education programs were in the target sites.  We also asked providers to share, based on their experiences, what they believed to be the causes of non-participation.  We asked the same questions of current adult education students in focus group interviews conducted in three of the research sites.

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Last modified: April 16, 2000