Research Design
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Research Questions

The interview protocol (see Appendix B) was designed to lead the respondent through a narrative describing what they had accomplished and decisions they had made since leaving school.  The following research questions provided the conceptual framework for the in-depth interviews:

What kinds of internal and external motivations affect the educational decision-making of adults who choose not to pursue adult education or literacy training?

How do individuals’ past experiences with schooling affect their current attitudes toward adult education?  How do school leaving experiences influence later perceptions of adult education and literacy programs?  What are the implications of both school experiences and later work experiences for conceptualizing alternatives to the GED?

In areas where unemployment is high, how does the lack of economic opportunity affect educational decision-making?  Conversely, where employment is high, how does the availability of work affect participation in adult education programs?  How do local economic conditions and attitudes toward education influence the perceived value of adult education programs?

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Last modified: April 16, 2000