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Recommendations for Improved Service Delivery

Recognize Resistance 

Many study respondents resented certification programs required for employment or promotion regardless of their seniority or experience.  When potential students reject or participate reluctantly in adult education programs, their reluctance may be due to a reasonable evaluation of the GED or other credentials as required but not necessary for their current work environment.  Our interviews with Department of Transportation workers, for example, revealed that employees were frustrated and sometimes fearful of credentialing requirements for promotion within the department.  In another example, an older worker complained:

You know, some of the factories they bring in, you’re going to have to have a GED.  Looks to me like it’s discriminating all together.  You’re not dumb because you don’t have a GED.  Anybody can get out here and run a forklift or something, you know.

While continuing education may indeed provide beneficial skills and opportunities for individuals to pursue less physically-intensive jobs and work that is less vulnerable to market forces, to require education and ignore experience alienates workers who are proud of their skills and aware of the scope of the local labor market.

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Last modified: April 16, 2000