"Far from wanting to settle what a line is or does, I wallow in the messes lines make, to modestly explore both their novelty and their imminence." (New Lines, xii)

My research and teaching builds on traditions and training in critical GIS, underlining the importance of doing and studying, to draw together the technical aspects of digital technologies with the rich forms of critical inquiry that situate these developments and their proliferation in everyday life.
Forthcoming / Accepted / Under ContractParraguez, Ana, Inga Gryl, Ricardo Truffelo, Matthew W. Wilson, eds. Forthcoming. SIG Critico en Chile: Traducciones, Situaciones, e Intervenciones. Santiago: Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales. [80]
Wilson, Matthew W. Forthcoming. Sarah Elwood. In Key Thinkers on Space and Place. 3rd edition. Phil Hubbard, Rob Kitchin, Mary Gilmartin, Sue Roberts, eds. [79]
Wilson, Matthew W. Forthcoming. When the line thickens. Lunch Journal. [78]
2023Wilson, Matthew W., James Ash, Patricia Basile, Eric Robsky Huntley, Emma Jean Slager, and David Nemer. 2023. Book review forum on Technology of the Oppressed: Inequity and the Digital Mundane in Favelas of Brazil, by David Nemer. The AAG Review of Books. 11:1. pp. 54-64.[77]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2023. GIS: A Method and Practice. Reprinted, from 2013, in Key Methods in Geography. 4th edition. Sage Publications. Nicholas Clifford, Meghan Cope, and Thomas Gillespie, eds. pp. 320-336. [76]
2022Wilson, Matthew W. 2022. Technical Lands and Technical Lines. In Technical Lands: A Critical Primer. Jovis. Jeffrey Nesbit and Charles Waldheim, editors. pp. 64-69. [75]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2022. GIScience III: questions of time. Progress in Human Geography. 46:6. pp. 1431-1438. [74]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2022. Digitality: Origins, or the Stories We Tell Ourselves. In Recalibrating the Quantitative Revolution in Geography: Travels, Networks, Translations. Boris Michel, Katharina Paulus, and Gyuris Ferenc, eds. Milton Park, UK: Routledge. [73]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2022. Cyborg geographies: Towards hybrid epistemologies. Reprinted, from 2009, in Digitale Geographien: Einführungen in sozio-materiell-technologische Raumproduktionen. Franz Steiner Verlag. Tabea Bork-Hüffer and Anke Strüver, eds. pp. 199-218. [72]
DeLyser, Dydia, Harriet Hawkins, Anna Secor, and Matthew W. Wilson. 2022. Editorial: Paging forward. cultural geographies. 29:1. [71]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2022. GIScience II: newness and imminence. Progress in Human Geography. 46:1. pp. 224-233. [70]
2021Wilson, Matthew W. 2021. Review of Digitize and Punish: Racial Criminalization in the Digital Age, by Brian Jefferson. The Canadian Geographer. 65:2. pp. 13-14. [69]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2021. Review of Object-Oriented Cartography: Maps as Things, by Tania Rossetto. cultural geographies. 28:2. pp. 429-430. [68]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2021. Corrective optics: A commentary on May Yuan's 'GIS research to address tensions in geography'. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 42:1. pp. 36-39. [67]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2021. GIScience I: social histories and disciplinary crucibles. Progress in Human Geography. 45:1. pp. 166-177. [66]
2020Wilson, Matthew W. 2020. Criticality as interpretation, deception, distortion? LA+ Interdisciplinary Journal of Landscape Architecture. No. 12. pp. 20-25. [65]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2020. GIS: A Method and Practice. Reprinted, from 2013, in Researching the City. 2nd edition. Sage Publications. Kevin Ward, ed. pp. 125-144. [64]
2019Wilson, Matthew W. 2019. Maps that Move. In Ways of Knowing Cities. New York: Columbia Books on Architecture and the City. pp. 236-249. [63]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2019. Mapping. In Digital Geographies. James Ash, Rob Kitchin, and Agnieszka Leszczynski, eds. Sage Publications. pp. 49-59. [62]
Guan, Wendy, Matthew W. Wilson, and Anne Knowles. 2019. Evaluating the geographic in GIS. The Geographical Review. 109:3. pp. 297-307 [61]
Barrett, Emily, and Matthew W. Wilson. 2019. Mapshop: Learning to Map, Mapping to Learn. Living Maps Review. No. 6. [60].
Wilson, Matthew W. 2019. Response to commentaries on New Lines: Critical GIS and the Trouble of the Map. Transactions in GIS. 23:1. pp. 177-179. [59]
2018Swab, Jack Joseph and Matthew W. Wilson. Forthcoming. Gwendolyn S. Curtis, curator of Kentucky's Largest Map Collection December 5, 1950 - December 16, 2018. Journal of Map and Geography Libraries. [58]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2018. On the Slippages in Platform Urbanisms. In Mediapolis: A Journal of Cities and Culture. 3:4. [57].
Wilson, Matthew W. 2018. Quantified Self-City-Nation. In Mediapolis: A Journal of Cities and Culture. 3:4. [56].
Wilson, Matthew W. 2018. Mapping. In Digital Geographies. James Ash, Rob Kitchin, and Agnieszka Leszczynski, eds. Sage Publications. [55]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2018. On being technopositional in digital geographies. cultural geographies. 25:1. pp. 7-21. [54]
2017Wilson, Matthew W. 2017. New Lines: Critical GIS and the Trouble of the Map. University of Minnesota Press. [53]
Elwood, Sarah and Matthew W. Wilson. 2017. Critical GIS Pedagogies Beyond 'Week 10: Ethics'. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 31:10. pp. 2089-2116. [52]
Kitchin, Rob, Tracey Lauriault, and Matthew W. Wilson, eds. 2017. Understanding Spatial Media. Sage Publications. [51]
Kitchin, Rob, Tracey Lauriault, and Matthew W. Wilson. 2017. Understanding Spatial Media. In Understanding Spatial Media. Rob Kitchin, Tracey Lauriault, and Matthew W. Wilson, eds. Sage Publications. [50]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2017. Neogeographies. In Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Barney Warf, ed. Oxford University Press. [49]
2016Thatcher, Jim, Luke Bergmann, Britta Ricker, Reuben Rose-Redwood, David O'Sullivan, Trevor J. Barnes, Luke R. Barnesmoore, Laura Beltz Imaoka, Ryan Burns, Jonathan Cinnamon, Craig Dalton, Clinton Davis, Stuart Dunn, Francis Harvey, Jin-Kyu Jung, Ellen Kersten, LaDona Knigge, Nick Lally, Wen Lin, Dillon Mahmoudi, Michael Martin, Will Payne, Amir Sheikh, Taylor Shelton, Eric Sheppard, Chris W. Strother, Alexander Tarr, Matthew W. Wilson, and Jason C. Young. 2016. Revisiting critical GIS. Environment and Planning A. 48:5. pp. 815-824. [48]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2016. Critical GIS. Reprinted, from 2013, in Key Methods in Geography. 3rd edition. Sage Publications. Nicholas Clifford, Shaun French, Meghan Cope, Thomas Gillespie, eds. pp. 285-301. [47]
2015Wilson, Matthew W. 2015. On the criticality of mapping practices: geodesign as critical GIS?. Landscape & Urban Planning. 142. pp. 226-234. [46]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2015. OXAV. In New Geographies 07 Geographies of Information. Harvard University Press. Ali Fard and Taraneh Meshkani, eds. pp. 174-177. [45]
Wilson, Matthew W., Monica Stephens. 2015. GIS as Media? In Mediated Geographies and Geographies of Media. Springer. Susan Mains, Julie Cupples, Chris Lukinbeal, eds. pp. 209-221. [44]
Crampton, Jeremy and Matthew W. Wilson. 2015. Harley and Friday Harbor: A Conversation with John Pickles. Cartographica. 50:1. pp. 28-36. [43]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2015. Morgan Freeman is dead and other big data stories. cultural geographies. 22:2. pp. 345-349. [42]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2015. New lines?: Enacting a social history of GIS. The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien. 59:1. pp. 29-34. [41]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2015. Celebrating the Advent of Digital Mapping. ArcNews. 36:4. pp. 32-33. [40]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2015. Flashing lights in the quantified self-city-nation. Regional Studies, Regional Science. 2:1. p. 39-42. [39]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2015. Paying attention, digital media, and community-based critical GIS. cultural geographies. 22:1. p. 177-191. [38]
2014Wilson, Matthew W. 2014. Map the Trace. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies. 13:4. pp. 583-585. [37]
Barnes, Trevor J. and Matthew W. Wilson. 2014. Big Data, social physics and spatial analysis: the early years. Big Data & Society. 1:1. p. 1-14. [36]
Alton, Chris, Zulaikha Ayub, Alex Chen, Leif Estrada, Justin Kollar, Patrick Leonard, Martin Pavlinic, Andreas Viglakis, and Matthew W. Wilson. 2014. "Thinking/making geographic representation." Antipode. Available at: [35]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2014. Continuous connectivity, handheld computers, and mobile spatial knowledge. Environment & Planning D: Society & Space. 32:3. p. 535-555. [34]
Preston, Bryan, Matthew W. Wilson. 2014. Practicing GIS as mixed-method: Affordances and limitations in an urban gardening study. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 104:3. p. 510-529. [33]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2014. Geospatial technologies in the location-aware future. Journal of Transport Geography. 34. p. 297-299. [32]
Wilson, Matthew W., Sarah Elwood. 2014. Capturing. In The SAGE Handbook of Human Geography. Sage Publications. Roger Lee, Noel Castree, Rob Kitchin, Victoria Lawson, Anssi Paasi, Chris Philo, Sarah Radcliffe, Susan Roberts and Charles Withers., eds. p. 235-253 [31]
Lave, Rebecca, Matthew W. Wilson, Elizabeth Barron, Christine Biermann, Mark Carey, Chris Duvall, Leigh Johnson, K. Lane, Nathan McClintock, Darla Munroe, Rachel Pain, James Proctor, Bruce Rhoads, Morgan Robertson, Jairus Rossi, Nathan Sayre, Gregory Simon, Marc Tadaki, Christopher VanDyke. 2014. Critical Physical Geography. The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien. 58:1. p. 1-10. [30]
Wilson, Matthew W., Sarah Starkweather. 2014. Web presence of academic geographers: a generational divide? The Professional Geographer. 66:1. p. 73-81. [29]
2013Wilson, Matthew W. 2013. GIS: A Method and Practice. In Researching the City. Sage Publications. Kevin Ward, ed. p. 116-134. [28]
Wilson, Matthew W. and Mark Graham. 2013. Situating Neogeography. Environment & Planning A. 45:1. p. 3-9. [27]
Wilson, Matthew W. and Mark Graham. 2013. Neogeography and volunteered geographic information: A conversation with Michael Goodchild and Andrew Turner. Environment & Planning A. 45:1. p. 10-18. [26]
Leszczynski, Agnieszka, Matthew W. Wilson. 2013. Theorizing the geoweb. GeoJournal. 78:6. p. 915-919. [25]
Crampton, Jeremy W., Mark Graham, Ate Poorthuis, Taylor Shelton, Monica Stephens, Matthew W. Wilson, Matthew Zook. 2013. Beyond the geotag: situating 'big data' and leveraging the potential of the geoweb. Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 40:2 p. 130-139. [24]
Brunn, Stanley D. and Matthew W. Wilson. 2013. Cape Town's Million Plus Black Township of Khayelitsha: Terrae Incognitae and the Geographies and Cartographies of Silence. Habitat International. 39. p. 284-294. [23]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2013. Cyborg geographies: Towards hybrid epistemologies. Reprinted, from 2009, in Researching Gender. Sage Publications. Christina Hughes, editor. p. 115-135. [22]
2012Wilson, Matthew W. 2012. Location-based services, conspicuous mobility, and the location-aware future. Geoforum. 43:6. p. 1266-1275. [21]
Bono, J. James, Curtis Hisayasu, Jentery Sayers, Matthew W. Wilson. 2012. Standards in the Making: Composing with Metadata in Mind. In The New Work of Composing. Computers and Composition Digital Press/Utah State University Press. Debra Journet, Cheryl E. Ball, Ryan Trauman, eds. Available at: [20]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2012. Review of Code/Space: Software and Everyday Life, by Rob Kitchin and Martin Dodge. cultural geographies. 19:3. p. 418-419. [19]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2012. Review of The Autonomous Animal: Self-Governance and the Modern Subject, by Claire Rasmussen. Environment & Planning D: Society & Space. Available at: [18]
2011Wilson, Matthew W. 2011. Data matter(s): legitimacy, coding, qualifications-of-life. Environment & Planning D: Society & Space. 29:5. p. 857-872. [17]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2011. 'Training the eye': formation of the geocoding subject. Social & Cultural Geography. 12:4, June. p. 357-376. [16]
Wilson, Matthew W., Maureen Hickey, James Craine, Leesa Fawcett, Ann Oberhauser, Emma Roe, and Traci Warkentin. 2011. Cyborg Spaces and Monstrous Places: Critical Geographic Engagements with Harawayian Theory. Aether: The Journal of Media Geography 8 (A):42-67. [15]
Elwood, Sarah, Nadine Schuurman, Matthew W. Wilson. 2011. Critical GIS. In The SAGE Handbook of GIS & Society. Sage Publications. Timothy Nyerges, Helen Couclelis, and Robert McMaster, eds. [14]
Morrill, Richard, Larry Knopp, Steve Herbert, John Carr, Tim Nyerges, Kevin Ramsey, Matthew W. Wilson, and Sarah Elwood. 2011. Political Geographies. In Seattle Geographies. University of Washington Press. Michael Brown and Richard Morrill, eds. p. 87-115. [13]
2010Wilson, Matthew W. 2010. Nyerges, Timothy (1951- ). In Encyclopedia of Geography. Sage Publications. Barney Warf, editor. Available at: [12]
2009Wilson, Matthew W. 2009. Cyborg geographies: Towards hybrid epistemologies. Gender, Place & Culture. 16:5, October. p. 499-516. [11]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2009. Towards a genealogy of qualitative GIS. In Qualitative GIS. Sage. Sarah Elwood and Meghan Cope, editors. p. 156-170. [10]
Wilson, Matthew W., Barbara Poore. 2009. Repositioning Critical GIS. Cartographica. 44:1. p. 6-7. [9]
Kaserman, Bonnie, Matthew W. Wilson. 2009. On not wanting it to count: Reading together as resistance. Area. 41:1. p. 26-33. [8]
Ramsey, Kevin S., Matthew W. Wilson. 2009. Rethinking the 'informed' participant: Precautions and recommendations for the design of online deliberation. In Online Deliberation: Design, Research, and Practice. CSLI Publications. Todd Davies and Seeta Peña Gangadharan, editors. p. 259-267. [7]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2009. Framing political, personal expression on the web. In Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology. 2nd edition. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, ed. p. 1580-1585. [6]
Brown, Michael, Matthew W. Wilson. 2009. Ten years on(ward)! Social & Cultural Geography. 10:1. p. 1-8. [5]
Wilson, Matthew W. 2009. Doctor of Philosophy (Geography), University of Washington. Coding Community. Committee: Timothy Nyerges, Michael Brown, Sarah Elwood, Christine DiStefano. [4]
2008Wilson, Matthew W., Kevin S. Ramsey. 2008. Integrating online deliberation into transportation investment decision-making: Preliminary reflections on a field experiment. In Proceedings of Tools for Participation, DIAC / Online Deliberation 2008. [3]
2006Nyerges, Tim, Kevin Ramsey, Matthew Wilson. 2006. Design considerations for an Internet portal to support public participation in transportation improvement decision making. In Collaborative Geographic Information Systems. Hershey, PA: Idea Group, Inc. Suzana Dragicevic and Shivanand Balram, editors. p. 208-236. [2]
2005Wilson, Matthew W. 2005. Master of Arts (Geography), University of Washington. Implications for a public participation geographic information science: Analyzing trends in research and practice. Committee: Timothy Nyerges, Michael Brown. [1]