b'SERVICE dISRuPTIONS AVOIdEdThe following situations are a few examples where major service interruptions were avoided due to the early warning capabilities developed by the Joint Services Operations Center (JSOC) over the last year. During the 6-month JSOC pilot, 60 early warning detections were documented. This trend has continued over the last six months making this development a step forward for the University in terms of early warning detection capabilities within the systems infrastructure. gOOd SAmARITAN hOSPITAlSeptember 26, 2018: The JSOC received an alert signaling a lost connection from a power supply that was providing power to the hospitals main building network switch. The JSOC dispatched a technician who discovered that there were critical electrical issues in the communication closet. The technician immediately contacted the Physical Plant Division (PPD) and an electrician was able to resolve the issue before the main switches went down. Had this issue not been detected in a timely manner, the main hospital building, Medical Office Building (MOB), and Professional Arts Center would have lost network connectivity - preventing access to electronic health records, operating room network access, and access to centralized Philips patient monitoring.kROgER fIEld October 17, 2018: The JSOC detected signal errors from a fiber optic link that provides network connectivity to one of the main stadium network switches. This switch is involved in concession sales, field lighting controls, and Ticketmaster connectivityall critical game day systems. The JSOC dispatched a fiber optic technician who found a faulty cable and replaced it. 10'