Groundwater Availability

Alluvium (Qa)
The alluvium forms terraces and narrow floodplains of varying width along streams.

The alluvium yields almost no water to drilled wells, and small quantities to dug wells.

Borden Formation (MDbb)
The Borden forms broad, flat valleys; the shale forms dissected slopes, and the massive siltstone forms cliffs.

The Borden yields 100 to 500 gallons per day to wells in valley bottoms. It may yield more than 500 gallons per day to drilled wells in broad valley bottoms from fractured sandy rocks near streams, but almost no water to wells on hills. Water from wells drilled below stream level may contain salt and sulfate less than 100 feet below the level of the principal valley bottoms. Water from dug wells and small springs is soft and has a low dissolved-solids content. Because much of this formation is soft and silty, it has been well suited to the construction of dug wells in the past.

New Albany Shale (MDnb)
The New Albany forms broad, flat valleys, flat upland surfaces, and steep, dissected hillsides and bluffs along streams.

The New Albany yields 100 to 500 gallons per day to drilled wells in valley bottoms and on uplands, but little water to drilled wells on hillsides and hilltops. It does yield water to small springs and seeps. Water may be soft or highly mineralized. Salt, hydrogen sulfide, and iron are the usual objectionable constituents. Acid water with high sulfate content is found in places. Shale has small, poorly connected openings, and groundwater circulation is slow; however, the shale is commonly fractured to a depth of at least 40 feet, and fractures form the main reservoir for water in this formation.

Crab Orchard Formation and Brassfield Dolomite (Scb)
Shale forms steep, dissected hillsides and broad, flat valley bottoms; the shale erodes readily below more resistant overlying limestone, forming notches and recesses. Dolomite beds form discontinuous ledges along hillsides.

These formations yield 100 to 500 gallons per day to wells in broad valley bottoms, but almost no water to wells on hills. They do yield water to small springs and seeps. Water is hard and locally contains magnesium and calcium sulfate dissolved from epsom salt and selenite (gypsum) in the shale. Dolomite beds yield hard water to small springs.

Drakes Formation (Od), (Odb) / Bull Fork Formation (Ob)
These formations form gently to moderately rolling uplands, except along large streams, where there is considerable dissection; slopes are moderately steep where underlain by shale, and moderately undulating to gently rolling where underlain by limestone. Steep and cliffy slopes occur along large streams, littered with limestone slabs left as shale beds weather and wash away.

These formations yield 100 to 500 gallons per day to drilled wells in broad valleys and along streams in uplands, but almost no water to drilled wells on hillsides or ridgetops. They do yield water to small springs. Water is hard, and in valley bottoms may contain salt or hydrogen sulfide. Shale limits the amount of water that has access to thick limestone beds, and therefore restricts the number of openings in these beds enlarged by solution. As a result, the limestone beds yield little water. In locations where groundwater has ready access to thick limestone beds along streams, wells and springs have larger yields.

Grant Lake Limestone/Fairview Formation/Calloway Creek Limestone (Oaf)
These rocks form gently to moderately rolling uplands except along major streams, where there is considerable dissection that leaves steep slopes. Thick limestone beds stand out as ledges on steep hillsides and bluffs along streams; where present on uplands, they underlie broad, flat valleys that may have small sinkholes and some underground drainage.

These rocks yield 100 to 500 gallons per day to drilled wells in broad valleys and along streams in uplands, but almost no water to drilled wells on hillsides or ridgetops. They yield 100 to 500 gallons per day to wells drilled into thick limestone beds along streams in uplands, and thick limestone beds capping hills on uplands. Thick limestone beds yield water to small springs along valley bottoms and hillsides. Water is hard, and in valley bottoms may contain salt or hydrogen sulfide

Garrard Siltstone (Okc)
The Garrard forms prominent ledges in steep slopes and bluffs along large streams.

The Garrard yields 100 to 500 gallons per day to drilled wells in valley bottoms, but almost no water to wells on hillsides or ridgetops and almost no water to springs. The well-cemented siltstone and fine-grained sandstone do not provide many openings for water. Water is hard.

Kope Formation (Okc)
The Kope forms narrow, steep-sided ridges with narrow valleys between.

The Kope yields 100 to 500 gallons per day to drilled wells in valley bottoms, but almost no water to drilled wells on hillsides or ridgetops. It does yield water to small springs. Water is hard in valley bottoms, and may contain salt or hydrogen sulfide.

Clays Ferry Formation (Okc)
The Clays Ferry forms broad, flat valley bottoms along the Licking River and a few larger tributaries in the county.

The Clays Ferry yields 100 to 500 gallons per day to wells drilled in broad valley bottoms, and yields water to small springs. Water is hard and may contain salt or hydrogen sulfide.

Lexington Limestone (Ol)
The Lexington lies in valley bottoms along the Licking River.

The limestone yields more than 500 gallons per day to wells in stream valleys and as much as 150 gallons per minute in places. Water is hard and may contain salt or hydrogen sulfide.

The U.S. Geological Survey's Hydrologic Atlas Series, published cooperatively with the Kentucky Geological Survey, provides hydrologic information for the entire state.

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