
About 2,300 people in Hancock County rely on private domestic water systems: 1,800 use wells and 500 use other sources. The Ohio River alluvium is the best source of groundwater in the county. In the northern edge of Hancock County, nearly all wells drilled to depths of less than 150 feet in the Ohio River alluvium are adequate for domestic use Most wells yield more than 50 gallons per minute; some wells yield as much as 750 gallons per minute. In the northernmost three-quarters of Hancock County, most wells from depths of less than 300 feet that penetrate sandstone are adequate for a domestic supply. In the southernmost quarter of the county, only a few well yield enough water for a domestic supply. Generally, groundwater is hard to very hard, and iron and salt may be present in objectionable amounts. Often, groundwater in deep wells becomes too mineralized to use.

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