
In northern Meade County, nearly all drilled wells in the Ohio River alluvium are adequate for domestic use, with many wells yielding several hundred gallons per minute. Compound horizontal wells in the alluvium may yield 5,000 gallons per minute, enough for a community or industrial supply. In the western corner of Meade County, most drilled wells 100 to 300 feet deep are adequate for a domestic supply. In much of central and eastern Meade County, except in lowlands of major creeks and rivers, about three-quarters of the wells yield enough for a domestic supply. In lowlands, very few wells yield enough for a domestic supply, except in a few areas bordering streams, where yields may be sufficient in a few wells. Springs with flows ranging from a few gallons per minute to 2,266 gallons per minute are found throughout the county. Many of the springs are of the depression type and yield more than 100 gallons per minute when pumped. Larger springs in the county have sufficient flows to be used for public or industrial water supplies.

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