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Training Available for January and February

Training dates, times and locations for January and February are now available.  More classes will be added, so check back for more days and times. See the Events and Training page for upcoming sessions. You can also view descriptions of training for staff and the workshop for supervisors.  We are scheduling more training and will have the schedule here later this week.  You will also find the schedule at myUK.  If you wish to schedule training for your department, please contact Bill Verble at


I don't see a list of training dates for staff in December.

Hi Joyce,

Bill Verble replying.   We are working to get December dates on the website calendar.  If you go to myUK, you will find December dates for registration there.Thanks for your question!


The December dates are now available on both the Events & Training page and in myUK.

I tried to register for the online session for Dec 3 and got this message: "The Performance Evaluation training for Faculty / Supervisors has ended. Please access the PE website for more information.

Hi Becky - Our apologies for the confusion. The link is for entry into the virtual classroom and is not supposed to be available until the day of the course.  This has been corrected in the Events and Training page. You can register for this course in myUK and come back the day of the course to enter the virtual classroom.

To register: 

  • Login to myUK
  • Under Course Catalog, select HR Training and Development
  • In the Assigned Subject Areas, select Performance Evaluation
  • In the Assigned Courses area, select Online PE System: Faculty / Supervisors VC
  • In the course date section, find the class date / time you would like to attend and select To Registration
  • Select Book Course