Revised: July 18, 2012
Reviewed: December 2013


All Chemical odors, all fuel and /or chemical spills must be handled in a manner consistent with the University of Kentucky Hazardous Materials Contingency Plan.

1.   Med Center Physical Plant takes first call in response to concerns about common odors such as fuel oil, natural gas and unexplained odors at the Medical Center. To report a smell call 323-6281.

2.   Hazardous Materials Management is responsible for actual chemical spills, and hazardous waste pickup.

Sequence for handling reports of odors, chemical spills:

1.   Report received by monitor in H-64

2.   Monitor  pages  red-team mechanic

3.   If smell is recognized as a common chemical which can be safely managed, handle the problem.

If the mechanic does not respond do the following:

1.   Call the Maintenance Supervisor. If they recognize the smell as a common chemical which can be safely managed, they will handle the problem. If there is no response then:

2.   Call PPDMC Administrator on call. If they recognize the smell as a common chemical which can be safely managed, they will handle the problem.

If a spill occurs or the situation becomes dangerous notify Campus Environmental Management:

Days: 323-6280, after hours:  257-6156