Board of Trustees Retreat Resumes

October 20, 2022

Gatton Student Center, Harris Ballroom

No approved minutes available


IV. “Research impact design think” Education and Ideation

Academics and research institutions are increasingly being asked to produce work that has a measurable influence outside the academy. Identifying the potential impact of research requires recognizing potential users, stakeholders, partners, needs, success factors, and timing elements at the design stage. This workshop draws from the core elements of the research impact planning process, starting with the Impact Goal – “UK is optimally competitive for federal research grant funding.” Board members will map stakeholders and determine the purpose of their interest and opportunities for engagement. During this facilitated session, members will be assigned to small groups where they will discuss and report to the entire group before moving on to the next concept.

Facilitators: Associate Vice President for Research, Innovation and Economic Impact, Executive Director, UK Innovate Ian McClure and Associate Director, Innovation Training Christine Wildes