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All spiders have 8 legs,
2 body parts (cephalothorax and abdomen), fang-like "chelicerae,"
and antenna-like "pedipalps." Click on the terms below
to learn more about each body part. |
cephalothorax is the first of 2 body parts on a spider. It
is a combination of the head and thorax, and on it are found the
legs, eyes, pedipalps, chelicerae, and other mouthparts. The cephalothorax
and abdomen are connected by a thin stalk called the "pedicel."
Among arachnids that live in Kentucky (including scorpions,
daddy-long-legs, and
mites) only spiders
have this thin stalk between the abdomen and cephalothorax. Some
arachnids that do not live in Kentucky, such as Tailless Whipscorpions,
also have a thin connection between the 2 body parts, and these
creatures can be difficult to distinguish from spiders.
chelicerae are a spider's jaws. They are located on the very
front of a spider's cephalothorax. Every Kentucky spider has
a pair of chelicerae, and they are tipped with fangs. Chelicerae
are filled with muscles, and are used to hold prey while the spider
injects venom. Note that a few rare spiders, such as those
in the scientific family Uloboridae, do not have venom glands, although
they possess fangs and chelicerae.
Spiders do not actually
drink fluid through their fangs. Located behind the chelicerae
are other small mouthparts, including the labium and labrum. Along
with the chelicerae, these mouthparts work together to direct food
into the spider's mouth, which is hidden behind the chelicerae and
other mouthparts.
Some spiders, like cobweb
spiders, are only able to consume fluids, but most spiders are
able to eat solid food after it has been shredded and mashed by
the chelicerae.
In most spiders, the
chelicerae are like scissors: they move from side to side. But
in some primitive spiders, such as bird spiders (a.k.a. tarantulas),
trapdoor spiders, and purseweb
spiders, the chelicerae move up and down, like 2 fingers side-by-side.
The Iziko Online Museum has an excellent diagram
that illustrates these two types of chelicerae.
All of the other arachnid
groups, including Scorpions,
Mites, and Harvestmen,
have chelicerae as well, but spiders are the only arachnids with
venomous chelicerae. |
the chelicerae, a spider's pedipalps are part of its mouth, and are
located just between the chelicerae and first pair of legs on the
cephalothorax. Pedipalps are jointed, and look somewhat like small
legs. They are not used like legs, though. Instead, they are
more like antennae: pedipalps help the spider sense objects that it
encounters. Some spiders also use their pedipalps to shape their
webs and to aid in prey capture and feeding.
Pedipalps are used by male spiders to transfer sperm to female spiders.
In fact, you can usually distinguish a male spider from a female
because of the male's enlarged pedipalps.
arachnids have pedipalps, but they often look quite different than
spider pedipalps. In Scorpions, for instance, the large pincers
are actually modified pedipalps. |
A spider's eyes are
located on the cephalothorax. Most spiders have 6 or 8 eyes.
Spider eyes are considered "simple": they do not
have multiple lenses and facets as do the compound eyes found on
some insects. Although some spiders can only see the difference
between light and shadow, others, especially Jumping
Spiders, are believed to have excellent eyesight. |

Like all arachnids, spiders
have 8 legs, all of which are attached to the cephalothorax. Each
leg is made up of 7 segments (shown above). Attached to the
cephalothorax is the coxa, followed by the trochanter, femur, patella,
tibia, metatarsus, and tarsus. The tarsus is tipped with 2 or
3 claws, depending on the spider family. |
The spider's abdomen
contains many important internal organs, such as the digestive tract,
reproductive organs, and lungs. Tipping the abdomen are the
spinnerets. |
A spider produces
silk through tiny pores in its spinnerets. Most spiders have
6 spinnerets. |
Original document: 25 May 2004
Last updated: 19 Nov 2009
All photos courtesy
R. Bessin and B. Newton, University of Kentucky Department of Entomology
The Kentucky Critter Files are maintained by Blake Newton, Department
of Entomology, University of Kentucky.
Contact: blaken@uky.edu |