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2 years ago Working parents presentation on family connections when life speeds up

Family Connections When Life Speeds Up
Presented by Work-Life Therapist, Eric Wilkinson

1 month ago Working parents workshop on understanding the fatherhood perspective

Have you ever wondered what it’s like for fathers to juggle work, family, hobbies and still maintain their well-being?

1 year ago Productivity Mondays: Organizing your time and workspace

This session offers strategies for organizing physical and digital spaces, including files and paperwork.

4 months ago Workshop on making memories: Investing in relationships

Just like financial investments, some of our relationship investments can have immediate rewards while others are designed to "pay off" over

2 years ago Workshop on how to excel with a hybrid or remote work schedule

After an extended period of living in a world that was turned upside down by a pandemic, it might feel a bit surreal to try to figure out a n

1 year ago Expectant and New Parents Panel: Tips to Thrive

Summary: As a new or expectant parent, you may have a lot on your mind and a lot of adjustments to make for you and your baby.

3 years ago Work-Life presentation on feeling stretched too thin

Azetta Beatty, HR Manager, Office of Work-Life presents: "Feelieng Stretched Too Thin. Now What?"