College of Arts & Sciences

Contact: Brooke Hendricks  ·  

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Phone: (859) 257-0178  ·  


Program Name Degree Types College Download, Print, Email
Political Science BS College of Arts & Sciences
Political Science BA College of Arts & Sciences
Political Science - Graduate MA College of Arts & Sciences
Political Science - Graduate Ph.D College of Arts & Sciences
Political Science - Minor Minor College of Arts & Sciences
Professional and Technical Writing - Minor Minor College of Arts & Sciences
Psychology BS College of Arts & Sciences
Psychology BA College of Arts & Sciences
Psychology - Minor Minor College of Arts & Sciences
Psychology- Graduate Ph.D College of Arts & Sciences
Sexuality Studies Certificate UC College of Arts & Sciences
Social Science Research Certificate UC College of Arts & Sciences
Social Theory (Graduate Certificate) GC College of Arts & Sciences
Sociology BS College of Arts & Sciences
Sociology BA College of Arts & Sciences
Sociology - Graduate MA College of Arts & Sciences
Sociology - Graduate Ph.D College of Arts & Sciences
Sociology - Minor Minor College of Arts & Sciences
Spanish BA College of Arts & Sciences
Spanish - Minor Minor College of Arts & Sciences
Statistics - Graduate MS College of Arts & Sciences
Statistics - Graduate MS College of Arts & Sciences
Statistics - Graduate Ph.D College of Arts & Sciences
Statistics - Graduate Ph.D College of Arts & Sciences
Statistics - Minor Minor College of Arts & Sciences
Statistics and Data Science BS College of Arts & Sciences
Teaching English as a Second Language (Graduate Certificate) GC College of Arts & Sciences
Teaching English as a Second Language - Graduate MA College of Arts & Sciences
Teaching World Languages - Graduate MA College of Arts & Sciences
Topical Studies BS College of Arts & Sciences
Topical Studies BA College of Arts & Sciences
Urban Studies - Minor College of Arts & Sciences
US Culture and Business Practices BA College of Arts & Sciences
World Religions - Minor Minor College of Arts & Sciences
Writing, Rhetoric & Digital Studies BS College of Arts & Sciences
Writing, Rhetoric & Digital Studies BA College of Arts & Sciences

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