Journal Articles

This section refers to articles that are published within scholarly journals. For information regarding articles published on the Web, please see the Internet section.

Please keep in mind that the rules for use of materials are different for courses taught in online classrooms versus face-to-face classrooms.

FACT: You may link to articles obtained from UK Library databases without obtaining copyright (it is built into our license); however, you cannot upload .pdfs from the databases straight into Canvas.

If you want to use an article that is not available via an UK Library database, you may use our E-Reserves service to request copyright approval and the article will be scanned and put in your Canvas shell after obtaining approval. Click here to access UK's course reserves webpage.

Note to Faculty: Please keep in mind that although you may be the author of an article, you are not necessarily the right’s holder.  If the article you authored is not readily available via one of the UK Library subscription databases, copyright permission will need to be obtained.