
Referee: spins spinner, calls out moves, and monitors game play

Players: minimum 2


Object of Game

Be the last person left on the gameboard


Basic Rules

  • Players face each other from the opposite ends of the gameboard
  • Place one foot on the purple circle and the other foot on the blue circle closest to the end of the gameboard; The opponent does the same thing on his or her end
  • The referee spins the spinner and calls out what body part to place on what color on the gameboard; Each player must try to place the called-out body part on an empty circle of the called-out color
  • If all of one color is occupied, Referee must re-spin
  • There can never be more than one hand or foot on any one circle. If two players touch the same color it must decided who touched it first, then the other player must find a vacant color
  • Never remove your hand or foot from a circle or you are eliminated
  • Any player who falls or touches the gameboard with elbow or knee is immediately out of the game

Spinner Rules

  • The Referee spins the spinner, then calls out the body part and color
Spin for the first move!