27 I nstitutional Research and Advanced Analytics (IRAA) offers two-hour Open Lab sessions on the first and third Friday of every month. Sessions are open to students, faculty, and staff. The first hour is geared toward providing attendees with an overview of analytics at the University of Kentucky,whatdataisavailable,howtoaccessthatdataand a brief walk through of the Tableau Server interface. This is an introductory training for anyone new to accessing data at the University or through Tableau Server, and will be offered at the beginning of every Open Lab. The second part of Open Lab is used to give the attendees updates on any changes to the data models, processes, or reports. This is also a time for more in-depth discussion, presentations, and feedback. Campus customers and partners are invited to share what they’ve done with Tableau, projects they’re working on, or present on specific topics of interest. SERVICE SPOTLIGHT INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH & ADVANCED ANALYTICS OPEN LABS Information Technology Services Institutional Research at UK could simply not function without the HANA data warehouse, Tableau reporting tools, and other data systems supported by Advanced Analytics and ITS. - Craig Rudick Institutional Research and Data Science “ “