39 SERVICE SPOTLIGHT ISTHISEMAILSAFE@UKY.EDU Information Technology Services Ongoing attacks are being led against University and personal data on a daily basis and ITS Cybersecurity works hard to protect the University community against malicious attacks. As part of UK’s defense, ITS has put in place as much automated protection as possible, however, events still bypass established safeguards. It is never a good idea to click on anything you are not sure about. ITS Cybersecurity has created and monitors IsThisEmailSafe@uky.edu where students, faculty, and staff can forward suspicious email for further investigation. The team will then investigate those emails for links that may need to be blocked at the university firewall level. PROJECT SPOTLIGHT #SECUREBLUE Information Technology Services As part of a year-long campaign, the ITS #secureblue initiative worked to provide information and awareness to the University community on a variety of topics around internet safety and technology best practices. Printable & shareable infographics were designed and made available to inform on subjects of protecting your identity, defense against phishing emails, protectingdevicesandpersonalinformation,andcopyright compliance. ITS participated in the annual Cybersecurity month in October by handing out postcards to students with tips on how to avoid phishing scams; each card had a SwedishFishcandyattachedtodrawattention.Throughout the month social media was used to post cybersecurity tips and articles on important cybersecurity topics were shared.