Farm Safety Check: Eye Protection on the Farm

Eye injuries can translate into pain, related eye diseases, and loss of time, money, and possibly your eyesight. 

Wear proper eye protection where eye protection hazards are apparent. Become acquainted with proper first aid treatment for eye injuries and seek medical attention if there is an eye injury.

You and/or your employee(s) can use this form to complete safety checks on your farm.  Use the form below to list additional safety checks you think are important when inspecting your farm. Keep the completed forms for follow-up, future reference and inspections.

Take a moment, set down the coffee, and review this Farm Safety Check to check in on eye protection and help prevent injuries

The checklist below lists a few things to help recognize the signs, symptoms and possible strategies to address fatigue:

  • Do you work in a dusty environment which could include tasks such as feed grinding or haying? Safety glasses or goggles are important to protect your eyes.
  • Do you grind or cut metal, cement or wood? Wearing safety glasses or goggles can prevent injuries resulting from small particles or objects striking or scraping the eye, like cement chips, metal slivers, and wood chips.
  • Do you work with pesticides or other chemicals? Using chemically resistant goggles can help to prevent long-term adverse effects of chemical exposure to eyes. Be sure to read the label and use the recommended PPE appropriate for the chemical in use.
  • Do you practice welding on your farm? Be sure to use a welding helmet with special filtering lenses that protect the eyes from the strong ultraviolet and infrared rays that can permanently damage eyes and cause blindness.
  • Is your eye protection in good condition? Regularly inspect your PPE and replace it when worn. Make sure the eye protection fits properly and will stay in place.
  • Are your tools in working order? Test tools to ensure that they work properly. Be sure that safety features (such as machine guards) are in place.
  • Do you know first aid for eye injuries? The method of first aid needed depends upon the type of injury sustained. Let natural tears wash out specks or particles in the eye. Do not rub the eyes and see a physician if no improvement.

You and/or your employee(s) can download and print a pdf checklist to complete safety checks on your farm.  Keep the completed forms for follow-up, future reference and inspections.

