
Archival Information Regarding Past Assessment Cycle:

As part of the revised approach to UK Core assessment, only those courses listed below will participate in UK Core assessment activities for the Fall 2016 semester. With the transition from Blackboard and in conjunction with faculty feedback from the past several years, the UK Core Education Committee has sought to setup a process for UK Core assessment that is intended to be manageable, flexible, and meaningful for all involved. The key changes in this revised approach include:

  • Courses participate in assessment on a 4-year cycle. Therefore, if a course is not participating in assessment in a given academic year then nothing will be required of those instructors/courses during that timeframe.
  • Instructors can identify and submit more than one assignment from the course (if appropriate) for UK Core assessment. This will allow instructors flexibility to align the appropriate assignment(s) to the appropriate rubric rows when needed.
  • Instructors will need to provide their student assignments to the Office of University Assessment, but can do so in whatever format they have them. Instructors are not required to utilize a specific technology (e.g. Canvas), but can provide paper-based or electronic student assignments for the evaluation. For any course utilizing Canvas, University Assessment will automatically pull those assignments and the instructor will not need to do anything beyond provide the course and assignment information at the beginning of the semester.
  • The evaluation of student assignments will occur each May by faculty evaluators and results will be shared before the next fall semester.

For those courses listed below that are participating in Fall 2016 UK Core assessment, instructors will need to provide information concerning their course and UK Core assignment(s) using the following link: Instructors/Course Coordinators are asked to complete this by October 1st.


UK Core Assessment Schedule (2016 - 2020)

Design Principle Seven states: "The curriculum will specify learning outcomes and the processes for both the systematic assessment of those learning outcomes and ongoing curricular improvement. " Assessment of Gen Ed, done well, and done consistently, will strengthen the program and prevent slippage away from our student learning outcomes. The process must be a strong collaboration between faculty governance and academic administration. Faculty, through IGEOC and other avenues, will have input on evaluating the process, the rubrics used and improvement plans that impact Gen Ed curricula.

This is acheived through the following process: