Other Air Quality Related Issues

The UK Environmental Quality Management Department (EQM), Air Quality Section is tasked with ensuring permit compliance associated with emissions released into the ambient air from stationary sources which is located on the ‘Permit Required Operations’ of this website.   However, there are multiple UK Departments and the Asbestos section in EQM, which specialize in different regulatory permit requirements beyond monitoring the type and amount of allowable emissions.   Although the program goals overlap, particular aspects such as health and safety should be redirected to the persons listed below.       

Asbestos Abatement

Contact Environmental Quality Management Department, Asbestos Section for questions involving asbestos materials. 
Contact:          Mr. Tommy Taylor

Fire Code Compliance

Contact the Fire Marshall Department for fire prevention and training, fire suppression systems, fire extinguisher inspection and maintenance, life safety audits, emergency evacuation planning, and building codes.
Contact:          Mr. Greg Williamson

Fume Hoods

Contact Occupational Health & Safety Department for questions regarding chemical hood systems used to protect laboratory workers.
Contact:          Ms. Lee Poore

Indoor Air Quality

Contact Occupational Health & Safety Department for questions regarding indoor air quality from sources such as remodeling, pest control, dust, and office thermal or humidity comfort.
Contact:          Ms. Lee Poore