April 15, 2013

UK Core Education Committee (UKCEC)
Date of Meeting: 
Monday, April 15, 2013
Location of Meeting: 
Keeneland Room, WT Young Library, 2:00-4:00 pm
Members Present Ex-Officio Present Guests Present
Jonathan Allison Mike Shanks Susan Carvalho
Ruth Beattie   Chris Thuringer
Heather Bush    
Patty Cook    
Nancy Jones    
Juliana McDonald    
Jenny Rice    


  1. International Course Transfer – Discussion with Dr. Susan Carvalho

Guest Dr. Susan Carvalho, Associate Provost for International Programs, was present to follow up on the discussion held with the UKCEC on August 14, 2012 regarding course transfers for international students.  The former discussion included the option of a GETA-type agreement for students in UK’s 2+2 Program who have completed their home University’s general education requirements.  This would grant them only partial certification (7 of 10 areas, with students completing C&C I and II, and US Citizenship requirements at UK). 

Dr. Carvalho brought a transcript from a current international transfer student, on which most courses transferred in as ‘needsyllabus’ or ‘GEED1---.’  If a course transfers in as ‘GEED1---’ it will be difficult to equate this to a UK Core area, unless department faculty will claim it as their discipline.  One option is for an international student in the 2+2 Program who has completed the first two years at their home University to be granted GETA certification at UK, and then required separately to complete the US Citizenship requirement and C&C I and II at UK. 

The UKCEC requested information on how 2+2 agreements are made with international universities (how they are chosen, what standards are used, etc.).  The UKCEC also requested that language be added to all 2+2 Program agreements stating that students are expected to be following general education curriculum in their first two years at the home University.  Mike Shanks agreed to generate Bulletin language for the out-of-state student transfer agreement, and then this will be used as a guide for creating Bulletin language for 2+2 international student transfers.

Dr. Carvalho will attend the next UKCEC meeting to finalize policy language.

  1. UK Core Course Exception Requests

Juliana McDonald brought exception requests from an international student who is petitioning two courses from Zhengzhou University.  The courses don’t seem to equate well to any particular UK Core area, but based on the conversation held with Dr. Carvalho, these may be allowable with some flexibility.

  1. New Budget Model and UK Core

Jenny Rice voiced concern about the new budget model at UK offering incentive for having more students in courses.  This could encourage any department to propose any course for UK Core, even if that area does not fall within their expertise.  UKCEC may not have control over budgetary decisions but does have control over the course review and assessment processes.  Every course is potentially Core and may be submitted for consideration; UKCEC must use the review process here to protect the integrity of the Core.  Also, there may be drift as new instructors are brought in to teach courses; UKCEC must use the assessment process here to correct drift.  However, the review process is only vetting the course, not the instructors – that will be left to each Department Chair.  And the assessment process may indicate problems in a certain class, but it will be difficult to ascertain if it is an issue with the course, or the instructor, or the rubric, etc.  The UKCEC is the place for this conversation to take place, and it will be continued at a future meeting.

  1. Course Approvals

A-S 280DL – Arts and Creativity-approved

TA 220 – Arts and Creativity-approved

ENG 209 – Humanities-approved

HIS 130 – Humanities-approved

TA 171 – Humanities-approved

TA 273 – Humanities -approved

EPE 174 – Social Sciences-approved

CPH 202 – Social Sciences (approved-pending on 3-25-13)-approved

PCE 201 – Social Sciences (approved-pending on 3-25-13)-approved

BST 330 – Statistical Inferential Reasoning-approved

  1. Meeting adjourned at 4:00 pm.
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