IT Strategic Plan | 18 College/Unit: College of Pharmacy Department: InformationTechnology and Facilities “ We provide desktop and classroom support to the College of Pharmacy along with coordinating special requests from the College’s units, including server management... WeworkverycloselywithITSemployees to use the mobile device management server, JAMF Pro topowervariousprojects.” Todd Sizemore Action Item 3:7 A research enablement and outreach group should be established. The University’s research community has a wide-ranging, diverse set of needs and knowledge levels regarding computational resources. Establishing such an entity will allow for an all-inclusive service approach wherein exceptional, end-to-end support is provided to individual researchers at all levels of computational expertise and experience. Additional technical support staff, with the expertise in research project requirements, should be hired to guide researchers to computational solutions that meet their needs. This new group must also be responsible for training researchers on how to utilize technology based resources as well as drive adoption of these resources. The team, partnering with the faculty liaison (referenced in Action Item 5:2), should develop a concierge service that provides an entry point for research faculty to have meaningful, constructive conversations with technical staff and to explore potential computational solutions to meet their goals as well as the University’s. Members of this group should be well-versed and trained to contribute and engage in conversations at the entry level of computational research as well as domain-specific computational infrastructure and services.