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Jeffries LM, Mccoy SWestcott, Effgen SK, Chiarello LA, Tezanos AGVillasan.  2019.  Description of the Services, Activities, and Interventions Within School-Based Physical Therapist Practices Across the United States.. Phys Ther. 99(1):98-108.
Leder SB, Warner HL, Suiter DM, Young NO, Bhattacharya B, Siner JM, Davis KA, Maerz LL, Rosenbaum SH, Marshall PS et al..  2019.  Evaluation of Swallow Function Post-Extubation: Is It Necessary to Wait 24 Hours? Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 128(7):619-624.
Reidy PT, Lindsay CC, McKenzie AI, Fry CS, Supiano MA, Marcus RL, LaStayo PC, Drummond MJ.  2018.  Aging-related effects of bed rest followed by eccentric exercise rehabilitation on skeletal muscle macrophages and insulin sensitivity.. Exp Gerontol. 107:37-49.
Galbreath M, Campbell B, LaBounty P, Bunn J, Dove J, Harvey T, Hudson G, Fry JL, Levers K, Galvan E et al..  2018.  Effects of Adherence to a Higher Protein Diet on Weight Loss, Markers of Health, and Functional Capacity in Older Women Participating in a Resistance-Based Exercise Program.. Nutrients. 10(8)
Freeman L, Gera G, Horak FB, Blackinton MT, Besch M, King L.  2018.  Instrumented Test of Sensory Integration for Balance: A Validation Study.. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 41(2):77-84.
Torp DM, Donovan L, Gribble PA, Thomas AC, Bazett-Jones DM, Beard MQ.  2018.  No baseline strength differences between female recreational runners who developed an injury and injury free runners during a 16-week formalized training program.. Phys Ther Sport. 34:1-7.
Uhl TL, Rice T, Papotto B, Butterfield TA.  2017.  Effectiveness of a Home-Based Eccentric-Exercise Program on the Torque-Angle Relationship of the Shoulder External Rotators: A Pilot Study.. J Sport Rehabil. 26(2):141-150.
Heebner N, Abt JP, Lovalekar M, Beals K, Sell TC, Morgan J, Kane S, Lephart SM.  2017.  Physical and Performance Characteristics Related to Unintentional Musculoskeletal Injury in Special Forces Operators: A Prospective Analysis.. J Athl Train. 52(12):1153-1160.
