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Vinceti G, Olney N, Mandelli MLuisa, Spina S, H Hubbard I, Santos-Santos MA, Watson C, Miller ZA, Lomen-Hoerth C, Nichelli P et al..  2019.  Primary progressive aphasia and the FTD-MND spectrum disorders: clinical, pathological, and neuroimaging correlates.. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener. 20(3-4):146-158.
Motl RW, Learmonth YC, Pilutti LA, Dlugonski D, Klaren R.  2014.  Validity of minimal clinically important difference values for the multiple sclerosis walking scale-12? Eur Neurol. 71(3-4):196-202.
Learmonth YC, Dlugonski D, Pilutti LA, Sandroff BM, Motl RW.  2013.  The reliability, precision and clinically meaningful change of walking assessments in multiple sclerosis.. Mult Scler. 19(13):1784-91.