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Reidy PT, Lindsay CC, McKenzie AI, Fry CS, Supiano MA, Marcus RL, LaStayo PC, Drummond MJ.  2018.  Aging-related effects of bed rest followed by eccentric exercise rehabilitation on skeletal muscle macrophages and insulin sensitivity.. Exp Gerontol. 107:37-49.
Gu M, Shen L, Bai L, Gao J, Marshall C, Wu T, Ding J, Miao D, Xiao M.  2014.  Heterozygous knockout of the Bmi-1 gene causes an early onset of phenotypes associated with brain aging.. Age (Dordr). 36(1):129-39.
Gao J, Tan M, Gu M, Marshall C, Ding J, Hu G, Xiao M.  2012.  Cellular localization of aquaporin-1 in the human and mouse trigeminal systems.. PLoS One. 7(9):e46379.
Varma V, Yao-Borengasser A, Rasouli N, Nolen GT, Phanavanh B, Starks T, Gurley C, Simpson P, McGehee RE, Kern PA et al..  2009.  Muscle inflammatory response and insulin resistance: synergistic interaction between macrophages and fatty acids leads to impaired insulin action.. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 296(6):E1300-10.
Drummond MJ, Dreyer HC, Fry CS, Glynn EL, Rasmussen BB.  2009.  Nutritional and contractile regulation of human skeletal muscle protein synthesis and mTORC1 signaling.. J Appl Physiol (1985). 106(4):1374-84.
Di Gregorio GB, Yao-Borengasser A, Rasouli N, Varma V, Lu T, Miles LM, Ranganathan G, Peterson CA, McGehee RE, Kern PA.  2005.  Expression of CD68 and macrophage chemoattractant protein-1 genes in human adipose and muscle tissues: association with cytokine expression, insulin resistance, and reduction by pioglitazone.. Diabetes. 54(8):2305-13.
Desai VG, Moland CL, Branham WS, Delongchamp RR, Fang H, Duffy PH, Peterson CA, Beggs ML, Fuscoe JC.  2004.  Changes in expression level of genes as a function of time of day in the liver of rats.. Mutat Res. 549(1-2):115-29.
Nagarajan R, Aubin JE, Peterson CA.  2004.  Modeling genetic networks from clonal analysis.. J Theor Biol. 230(3):359-73.
