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Tranel HR, Schroder EA, England J, W Black S, Bush H, Hughes ME, Esser KA, Clasey JL.  2015.  Physical activity, and not fat mass is a primary predictor of circadian parameters in young men.. Chronobiol Int. 32(6):832-41.
Poduri A, Rateri DL, Saha SK, Saha S, Daugherty A.  2013.  Citrullus lanatus 'sentinel' (watermelon) extract reduces atherosclerosis in LDL receptor-deficient mice.. J Nutr Biochem. 24(5):882-6.
Gundermann DM, Fry CS, Dickinson JM, Walker DK, Timmerman KL, Drummond MJ, Volpi E, Rasmussen BB.  2012.  Reactive hyperemia is not responsible for stimulating muscle protein synthesis following blood flow restriction exercise.. J Appl Physiol (1985). 112(9):1520-8.
Guo F, He D, Zhang W, R Walton G.  2012.  Trends in prevalence, awareness, management, and control of hypertension among United States adults, 1999 to 2010.. J Am Coll Cardiol. 60(7):599-606.
Fahringer D, Goodwin SR, Warde MK, Ye G, Blackwelder B, Ajala AM, Gurgis FS.  2010.  The effect of a 3 : 1 volume mixture of propofol 1% and thiopental 2.5% in reducing the pain on injection of propofol in children.. Paediatr Anaesth. 20(6):545-52.