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R Walton G, Zhu X, Tian L, Heywood EB, Liu J, Hill HS, Liu J, Bruemmer D, Yang Q, Fu Y et al..  2016.  AP2-NR4A3 transgenic mice display reduced serum epinephrine because of increased catecholamine catabolism in adipose tissue.. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 311(1):E69-81.
Tranel HR, Schroder EA, England J, W Black S, Bush H, Hughes ME, Esser KA, Clasey JL.  2015.  Physical activity, and not fat mass is a primary predictor of circadian parameters in young men.. Chronobiol Int. 32(6):832-41.
Sawyer PC, Uhl TL, Mattacola CG, Johnson DL, Yates JW.  2003.  Effects of moist heat on hamstring flexibility and muscle temperature.. J Strength Cond Res. 17(2):285-90.