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Whayne TF, Saha S, Mukherjee D.  2016.  Antioxidants in the Practice of Medicine; What Should the Clinician Know? Cardiovasc Hematol Disord Drug Targets. 16(1):13-20.
Gu M, Shen L, Bai L, Gao J, Marshall C, Wu T, Ding J, Miao D, Xiao M.  2014.  Heterozygous knockout of the Bmi-1 gene causes an early onset of phenotypes associated with brain aging.. Age (Dordr). 36(1):129-39.
Xu Z-Q, Zhang L-Q, Wang Q, Marshall C, Xiao N, Gao J-Y, Wu T, Ding J, Hu G, Xiao M.  2013.  Aerobic exercise combined with antioxidative treatment does not counteract moderate- or mid-stage Alzheimer-like pathophysiology of APP/PS1 mice.. CNS Neurosci Ther. 19(10):795-803.
Ibrahim WH, Habib HM, Chow CK, Bruckner G.  2008.  Isoflavone-rich soy isolate reduces lipid peroxidation in mouse liver.. Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 78(4-5):217-22.