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Finlin BS, Memetimin H, Confides AL, Kasza I, Zhu B, Vekaria HJ, Harfmann B, Jones KA, Johnson ZR, Westgate PM et al..  2018.  Human adipose beiging in response to cold and mirabegron.. JCI Insight. 3(15)
Finlin BS, Zhu B, Confides AL, Westgate PM, Harfmann BD, Dupont-Versteegden EE, Kern PA.  2017.  Mast Cells Promote Seasonal White Adipose Beiging in Humans.. Diabetes. 66(5):1237-1246.
Terada M, Pietrosimone BG, Gribble PA.  2013.  Therapeutic interventions for increasing ankle dorsiflexion after ankle sprain: a systematic review.. J Athl Train. 48(5):696-709.
Ferry AL, Vanderklish PW, Dupont-Versteegden EE.  2011.  Enhanced survival of skeletal muscle myoblasts in response to overexpression of cold shock protein RBM3.. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 301(2):C392-402.
Bassett FH, Kirkpatrick JS, Engelhardt DL, Malone TR.  1992.  Cryotherapy-induced nerve injury.. Am J Sports Med. 20(5):516-8.