Found 11 results
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Finlin BS, Zhu B, Confides AL, Westgate PM, Harfmann BD, Dupont-Versteegden EE, Kern PA.  2017.  Mast Cells Promote Seasonal White Adipose Beiging in Humans.. Diabetes. 66(5):1237-1246.
Pilotte J, Dupont-Versteegden EE, Vanderklish PW.  2011.  Widespread regulation of miRNA biogenesis at the Dicer step by the cold-inducible RNA-binding protein, RBM3.. PLoS One. 6(12):e28446.
Spencer M, Yao-Borengasser A, Unal R, Rasouli N, Gurley CM, Zhu B, Peterson CA, Kern PA.  2010.  Adipose tissue macrophages in insulin-resistant subjects are associated with collagen VI and fibrosis and demonstrate alternative activation.. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 299(6):E1016-27.
Singh S, Vinson C, Gurley CM, Nolen GT, Beggs ML, Nagarajan R, Wagner EF, Parham DM, Peterson CA.  2010.  Impaired Wnt signaling in embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma cells from p53/c-fos double mutant mice.. Am J Pathol. 177(4):2055-66.
Drummond MJ, Glynn EL, Fry CS, Timmerman KL, Volpi E, Rasmussen BB.  2010.  An increase in essential amino acid availability upregulates amino acid transporter expression in human skeletal muscle.. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 298(5):E1011-8.
McCarthy JJ, Esser KA, Peterson CA, Dupont-Versteegden EE.  2009.  Evidence of MyomiR network regulation of beta-myosin heavy chain gene expression during skeletal muscle atrophy.. Physiol Genomics. 39(3):219-26.
Dennis RA, Zhu H, Kortebein PM, Bush HM, Harvey JF, Sullivan DH, Peterson CA.  2009.  Muscle expression of genes associated with inflammation, growth, and remodeling is strongly correlated in older adults with resistance training outcomes.. Physiol Genomics. 38(2):169-75.
Dennis RA, Przybyla B, Gurley C, Kortebein PM, Simpson P, Sullivan DH, Peterson CA.  2008.  Aging alters gene expression of growth and remodeling factors in human skeletal muscle both at rest and in response to acute resistance exercise.. Physiol Genomics. 32(3):393-400.
