Found 39 results
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Ko Suk, Ling SM, Winters JD, Ferrucci L.  2009.  Age-related mechanical work expenditure during normal walking: the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging.. J Biomech. 42(12):1834-9.
Jacobs CA, Lewis M, Bolgla LA, Christensen CP, Nitz AJ, Uhl TL.  2009.  Electromyographic analysis of hip abductor exercises performed by a sample of total hip arthroplasty patients.. J Arthroplasty. 24(7):1130-6.
Gribble PA, Robinson RH.  2009.  An examination of ankle, knee, and hip torque production in individuals with chronic ankle instability.. J Strength Cond Res. 23(2):395-400.
Boudreau SN, Dwyer MK, Mattacola CG, Lattermann C, Uhl TL, McKeon JMedina.  2009.  Hip-muscle activation during the lunge, single-leg squat, and step-up-and-over exercises.. J Sport Rehabil. 18(1):91-103.
Benjaminse A, Sell TC, Abt JP, House AJ, Lephart SM.  2009.  Reliability and precision of hip proprioception methods in healthy individuals.. Clin J Sport Med. 19(6):457-63.
Robinson RH, Gribble PA.  2008.  Support for a reduction in the number of trials needed for the star excursion balance test.. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 89(2):364-70.
Noehren B, Davis I, Hamill J.  2007.  ASB clinical biomechanics award winner 2006 prospective study of the biomechanical factors associated with iliotibial band syndrome.. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 22(9):951-6.
