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Freeman L, Gera G, Horak FB, Blackinton MT, Besch M, King L.  2018.  Instrumented Test of Sensory Integration for Balance: A Validation Study.. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 41(2):77-84.
Torp DM, Donovan L, Gribble PA, Thomas AC, Bazett-Jones DM, Beard MQ.  2018.  No baseline strength differences between female recreational runners who developed an injury and injury free runners during a 16-week formalized training program.. Phys Ther Sport. 34:1-7.
Bade M, Struessel T, Paxton R, Winters JD, Baym C, Stevens-Lapsley J.  2018.  Performance on a Clinical Quadriceps Activation Battery Is Related to a Laboratory Measure of Activation and Recovery After Total Knee Arthroplasty.. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 99(1):99-106.
Royer SD, D Thomas T, Winters JD, Abt JP, Best S, Poploski KM, Zalaiskalns A, Lephart SM.  2018.  Physical, Physiological, and Dietary Comparisons Between Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command Critical Skills Operators and Enablers.. Mil Med. 183(11-12):e341-e347.
Miller ZA, Rosenberg L, Santos-Santos MA, Stephens M, Allen IE, H Hubbard I, Cantwell A, Mandelli MLuisa, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW et al..  2018.  Prevalence of Mathematical and Visuospatial Learning Disabilities in Patients With Posterior Cortical Atrophy.. JAMA Neurol. 75(6):728-737.
Santos-Santos MA, Rabinovici GD, Iaccarino L, Ayakta N, Tammewar G, Lobach I, Henry ML, H Hubbard I, Mandelli MLuisa, Spinelli E et al..  2018.  Rates of Amyloid Imaging Positivity in Patients With Primary Progressive Aphasia.. JAMA Neurol. 75(3):342-352.
Warren JR, White B.  2018.  Rationale, Design and Methods of "Set the Rules": A Tailored Peer-to-Peer Health Information Intervention.. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 15(11)
Meulenbroek P, Turkstra LS.  2018.  Response to text-based social cues in the formation of causal attributions in adults with traumatic brain injury.. Brain Inj. 32(13-14):1720-1724.
