Whitney Sanchez's picture
Whitney Sanchez Patient Relations Assistant
Alexandra Schroeder's picture
Alexandra Schroeder Program Coordinator II
Rebecca Serrano's picture
Rebecca Serrano Senior Academic Advisor
Casey Shadix, PhD, SRNA's picture
Casey Shadix, PhD, SRNA Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Paige Sherman's picture
Paige Sherman Administrative Support Associate I
Stacey Slone, MS's picture
Stacey Slone, MS Statistician
Jaime Stafford's picture
Jaime Stafford Staff Support Associate II
Wafa Suleiman's picture
Wafa Suleiman Academic Support Services Director
Becky Unites, PhD's picture
Becky Unites, PhD Director of Assessment
Macy Usher's picture
Macy Usher Speech-Language Pathologist
Kimberly West's picture
Kimberly West Patient Relations Assistant
Tammy Wigginton, MS, CCC-SLP, BRS-S's picture
Tammy Wigginton, MS, CCC-SLP, BRS-S Speech-Language Pathologist, UK Voice and Swallow Clinic
Yuyan Xia, PhD's picture
Yuyan Xia, PhD Post-Doctoral Scholar
