Chronic stimulation-induced changes in the rodent thyroarytenoid muscle.

TitleChronic stimulation-induced changes in the rodent thyroarytenoid muscle.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsMcMullen CA, Butterfield TA, Dietrich M, Andreatta RD, Andrade FH, Fry L, Stemple J
JournalJ Speech Lang Hear Res
Date Published2011 Jun
KeywordsAnimals, Chronic Disease, Disease Models, Animal, Electric Stimulation, Glycogen, Laryngeal Muscles, Male, Mitochondria, Muscle Fibers, Skeletal, Neuromuscular Junction, Physical Endurance, Rats, Rats, Sprague-Dawley, Voice Disorders

PURPOSE: Therapies for certain voice disorders purport principles of skeletal muscle rehabilitation to increase muscle mass, strength, and endurance. However, applicability of limb muscle rehabilitation to the laryngeal muscles has not been tested. In this study, the authors examined the feasibility of the rat thyroarytenoid muscle to remodel as a consequence of increased activity instantiated through chronic electrical stimulation.

METHOD: Twenty adult Sprague-Dawley rats (Rattus norvegicus), assigned to a 1-week or 2-week stimulation group, were implanted with a nerve cuff electrode placed around the right recurrent laryngeal nerve and were fitted with a head connector. All animals were placed under anesthesia twice a day for 1 hr each time. Following the training, rats were killed, and thyroarytenoid muscles were isolated for histology and immunohistochemistry.

RESULTS: Mean muscle fiber area decreased, neuromuscular junction density increased, mitochondrial content increased qualitatively, and glycogen-positive fibers increased, demonstrating exercise-induced changes similar to those seen in limb muscles after endurance training.

CONCLUSION: Rat thyroarytenoid muscles are capable of remodeling in response to chronic electrical stimulation.

Alternate JournalJ. Speech Lang. Hear. Res.
PubMed ID21106694
Grant ListDC007983 / DC / NIDCD NIH HHS / United States
EY1 2998 / EY / NEI NIH HHS / United States