Updated competencies for physical therapists working in schools.

TitleUpdated competencies for physical therapists working in schools.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsEffgen SK, Chiarello L, Milbourne SA
JournalPediatr Phys Ther
Date Published2007 Winter
KeywordsChild, Disabled Children, Education, Special, Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, Humans, Physical Therapy Specialty, Practice Guidelines as Topic, Professional Competence, Schools, United States, Workforce

PURPOSE: The purpose of this project was to update the 1987 competencies for physical therapists who work in schools and their content to reflect present practice, legislation, and terminology.

METHODS: A review of the literature and competencies for professionals working in schools was completed. Four focus groups of school physical therapists were formed to ascertain their perspectives of the roles and responsibilities of school therapists and what knowledge and skills enabled them to be effective. This information was integrated into a listing of competencies. The competencies were reviewed regionally and nationally by experts in the field.

RESULTS: Nine content areas with specific competencies were identified for physical therapists working in schools. These competencies reflect an expanded role of school-based therapists compared with previous competencies.

CONCLUSION: Physical therapists who work in schools require specific skills and knowledge to effectively serve children with disabilities. Competencies help guide professional development.

Alternate JournalPediatr Phys Ther
PubMed ID18004193