Better managing technology-mediated interruptions in the ICU: Examining the role of patient information for improving text message notifications.

TitleBetter managing technology-mediated interruptions in the ICU: Examining the role of patient information for improving text message notifications.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsSrinivas P, Reddy MC, Faiola A
JournalAMIA Annu Symp Proc
Date Published2016
KeywordsHumans, Intensive Care Units, Mobile Applications, Monitoring, Physiologic, Text Messaging

Previous research has identified the need for managing wanted and unwanted interruptions from technology- mediated notifications (TMN) in the intensive care units (ICUs). Current solutions are focused on mobile, asynchronous and context-aware mechanisms that consider a minimal number of factors (location and activity of the receiver). These factors are insufficient for a receiver to effectively decide on whether or not to interrupt their ongoing activities to immediately respond to a TMN. We propose a mobile device solution, known as "patient- enhanced notifications " that presents a preview of TMN with additional patient information. A study comprising of user evaluations and interview sessions helped ascertain that patient vital signs coupled with the actual text message assisted receiving ICU providers in deciding on when to respond to the TMN. We conclude that patient- enhanced notifications has the potential to help ICU clinicians better manage interruptions generated from mobile devices.

Alternate JournalAMIA Annu Symp Proc
PubMed ID28269913
PubMed Central IDPMC5333214