Nonlinear Dynamic Measures for Evaluating Postural Control in Individuals With and Without Chronic Ankle Instability.

TitleNonlinear Dynamic Measures for Evaluating Postural Control in Individuals With and Without Chronic Ankle Instability.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsTerada M, Beard M, Carey S, Pfile K, Pietrosimone B, Rullestad E, Whitaker H, Gribble PA
JournalMotor Control
Date Published2019 Apr 01
KeywordsAdult, Ankle Joint, Chronic Disease, Female, Humans, Joint Instability, Male, Nonlinear Dynamics, Postural Balance, Young Adult

This study aimed to compare time-to-boundary and sample entropy during a single-leg balance task between individuals with chronic ankle instability (CAI), lateral ankle sprain copers, and healthy controls. Twenty-two participants with CAI, 20 lateral ankle sprain copers, and 24 healthy controls performed a single-leg balance task during an eyes-closed condition. Participants with CAI exhibited lower time-to-boundary values compared with lateral ankle sprain copers and healthy controls. However, we did not find differences in sample entropy variables between cohorts. A decrease in time-to-boundary values in participants with CAI indicated that CAI may constrain the ability of the sensorimotor system to maintain the center of pressure within the boundaries of the base of support. However, the regularity of the center of pressure velocity time series appears not to be altered in the CAI cohort in this study.

Alternate JournalMotor Control
PubMed ID30318988