Fourteen days of bed rest induces a decline in satellite cell content and robust atrophy of skeletal muscle fibers in middle-aged adults.

TitleFourteen days of bed rest induces a decline in satellite cell content and robust atrophy of skeletal muscle fibers in middle-aged adults.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsArentson-Lantz EJ, English KL, Paddon-Jones D, Fry CS
JournalJ Appl Physiol (1985)
Date Published2016 Apr 15
KeywordsBed Rest, Body Composition, Female, Humans, Knee, Male, Middle Aged, Muscle Fibers, Skeletal, Muscular Atrophy, Myosin Heavy Chains, Oxygen Consumption, Quadriceps Muscle, Satellite Cells, Skeletal Muscle

Bed rest, a ground-based spaceflight analog, induces robust atrophy of skeletal muscle, an effect that is exacerbated with increasing age. We examined the effect of 14 days of bed rest on skeletal muscle satellite cell content and fiber type atrophy in middle-aged adults, an understudied age demographic with few overt signs of muscle aging that is representative of astronauts who perform long-duration spaceflight. Muscle biopsies were obtained from the vastus lateralis of healthy middle-aged adults [n= 7 (4 male, 3 female); age: 51 ± 1 yr] before (Pre-BR) and after (Post-BR) 14 days of bed rest. Immunohistochemical analyses were used to quantify myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoform expression, cross-sectional area (CSA), satellite cell and myonuclear content, and capillary density. Peak oxygen consumption, knee extensor strength, and body composition were also measured Pre-BR and Post-BR. Post-BR MyHC type 2a fiber percentage was reduced, and mean CSA decreased in all fiber types (-24 ± 5%;P< 0.05). Satellite cell content was also reduced Post-BR (-39 ± 9%;P< 0.05), and the change in satellite cell content was significantly correlated with the change in mean fiber CSA (r(2)= 0.60;P< 0.05). A decline in capillary density was observed Post-BR (-23 ± 6%;P< 0.05), and Post-BR capillary content was significantly associated with Post-BR peak aerobic capacity (r(2)= 0.59;P< 0.05). A subtle decline in myonuclear content occurred during bed rest (-5 ± 1%;P< 0.05). The rapid maladaptation of skeletal muscle to 14 days of mechanical unloading in middle-aged adults emphasizes the need for robust countermeasures to preserve muscle function in astronauts.

Alternate JournalJ. Appl. Physiol.
PubMed ID26796754
PubMed Central IDPMC4835912
Grant ListT32HD007539 / HD / NICHD NIH HHS / United States
UL1TR000071 / TR / NCATS NIH HHS / United States
1UL1RR029876-01 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
R01NR012973 / NR / NINR NIH HHS / United States
P30 AG024832 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States