Rehabilitation concepts and supportive devices for overuse injuries of the upper extremities.

TitleRehabilitation concepts and supportive devices for overuse injuries of the upper extremities.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsUhl TL, Madaleno JA
JournalClin Sports Med
Date Published2001 Jul
KeywordsArm Injuries, Athletic Injuries, Braces, Cumulative Trauma Disorders, Joint Diseases, Splints, Tendinopathy

Rehabilitation of overuse injuries requires the health care professional to understand normal and common pathologic mechanics of the patient's sport or physical activity. Evaluation of the total mechanics of the body, not just the local area presenting with discomfort, is important. [figure: see text] The cause of the presenting injury can be a dysfunction at a distant site. Rest and supportive devices are helpful in allowing the athlete to return to a normal activity level. A progressive reconditioning program needs to address strength and flexibility issues and endurance and eccentric exercises.

Alternate JournalClin Sports Med
PubMed ID11494845