Idiosyncratic strategies in sentence production: a case report.

TitleIdiosyncratic strategies in sentence production: a case report.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsGandour J, Marshall RC, Windsor J
JournalBrain Lang
Date Published1989 May
KeywordsAphasia, Aphasia, Broca, Apraxias, Brain Damage, Chronic, Humans, Male, Phonetics, Retention, Psychology, Semantics, Speech Production Measurement, Voice Disorders

In their case study of a patient with selective apraxia of phonation, Marshall, Gandour, and Windsor (1988, Brain and Language, 35, 313-339) reported that many of his utterances were ill-formed syntactically. In this note, a detailed syntactic analysis of his speech is presented. Although the patient's syntax is deviant, it is seen to result from the application of certain consistent, identifiable, compensatory strategies. Moreover, it is shown that the particular, abnormal syntactic structures are internally consistent with his phonatory apraxia coupled with the normal rules of English prosody.

Alternate JournalBrain Lang
PubMed ID2470463
Grant ListNS24539 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States