Stormwater Quality Management Plan


The MS4 Permit requires that the University develop a Stormwater Quality Management Program in order to effectively reduce pollutants discharging from the stormwater system to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP). This program must address six minimum control measures (MCMs) and be formalized in a written plan known as the Stormwater Quality Management Plan (SWQMP). This plan details the procedures, controls, engineering methods, and provisions the University will use to implement the required six MCM’s during the five-year permit cycle. This document is evaluated annually for effectiveness and may be modified during the life of the permit in accordance with certain permit procedures.





The University developed its original SWQMP when it first obtained coverage under the 2010 KPDES MS4 Permit. The practices outlined in this plan formed the foundation of the University’s stormwater program. In 2018 a new MS4 permit was issued by the Kentucky Division of Water, resulting in the need to develop a new SWQMP to meet the updated permit requirements. The University’s Stormwater Stakeholder Advisory Committee developed the 2018 SWQMP based on the original responsibilities outlined in 2010 and added tasks to account for changes in the permit as well as issues/deficiencies encountered during the 2010 permit cycle.



The 2018 SWQMP consists of 106 Tasks and 225 Measurable Goals developed to maintain compliance with the MS4 Permit and protect waters of the Commonwealth.

Major Tasks Include:

  • An overhaul of the Education, Outreach, and Public Participation Program
  • An evaluation of sampling program development that includes:
    • Dry weather flow assessments
    • Routine watershed focused monitoring
  • The development of a Campus Stormwater Masterplan
  • The development of a Comprehensive Stormwater Operations Manual
  • A revision of the Post-Construction BMP Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection Program
  • The development of a Waterfowl Management Program
  • The implementation of Big Elm Fork Watershed BMPs to address bacteria impairment


Evaluation and Updates

In accordance with the MS4 permit, the SWQMP is evaluated annually and updated as necessary. Information regarding its evaluation and any updates made can be found in the SWQMP section (Section 13) of the Annual Report.