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Murach KA, Dungan CM, Peterson CA, McCarthy JJ.  2019.  Muscle Fiber Splitting Is a Physiological Response to Extreme Loading in Animals.. Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 47(2):108-115.
Ericksen HM, Gribble PA, Pfile KR, Pietrosimone BG.  2013.  Different modes of feedback and peak vertical ground reaction force during jump landing: a systematic review.. J Athl Train. 48(5):685-95.
Haas C, Butterfield TA, Zhao Y, Zhang X, Jarjoura D, Best TM.  2013.  Dose-dependency of massage-like compressive loading on recovery of active muscle properties following eccentric exercise: rabbit study with clinical relevance.. Br J Sports Med. 47(2):83-8.
Dietrich M, Andreatta RD, Jiang Y, Joshi A, Stemple J.  2012.  Preliminary findings on the relation between the personality trait of stress reaction and the central neural control of human vocalization.. Int J Speech Lang Pathol. 14(4):377-89.
Butterfield TA, Zhao Y, Agarwal S, Haq F, Best TM.  2008.  Cyclic compressive loading facilitates recovery after eccentric exercise.. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 40(7):1289-96.
Knox M, Fluckey JD, Bennett P, Peterson CA, Dupont-Versteegden EE.  2004.  Hindlimb unloading in adult rats using an alternative tail harness design.. Aviat Space Environ Med. 75(8):692-6.