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R Walton G, Zhu X, Tian L, Heywood EB, Liu J, Hill HS, Liu J, Bruemmer D, Yang Q, Fu Y et al..  2016.  AP2-NR4A3 transgenic mice display reduced serum epinephrine because of increased catecholamine catabolism in adipose tissue.. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 311(1):E69-81.
Abt JP, Oliver JM, Nagai T, Sell TC, Lovalekar MT, Beals K, Wood DE, Lephart SM.  2016.  Block-Periodized Training Improves Physiological and Tactically Relevant Performance in Naval Special Warfare Operators.. J Strength Cond Res. 30(1):39-52.
Cassity EP, Redzic M, Teager CR, D Thomas T.  2016.  The effect of body composition and BMI on 25(OH)D response in vitamin D-supplemented athletes.. Eur J Sport Sci. 16(7):773-9.
Abt JP, Perlsweig K, Nagai T, Sell TC, Wirt MD, Lephart SM.  2016.  Effects of Age and Military Service on Strength and Physiological Characteristics of U.S. Army Soldiers.. Mil Med. 181(2):173-9.
Arentson-Lantz EJ, English KL, Paddon-Jones D, Fry CS.  2016.  Fourteen days of bed rest induces a decline in satellite cell content and robust atrophy of skeletal muscle fibers in middle-aged adults.. J Appl Physiol (1985). 120(8):965-75.
D Thomas T, Erdman KAnne, Burke LM.  2016.  Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine: Nutrition and Athletic Performance.. J Acad Nutr Diet. 116(3):501-528.
Allison KF, Keenan KA, Sell TC, Abt JP, Nagai T, Deluzio J, McGrail M, Lephart SM.  2015.  Musculoskeletal, biomechanical, and physiological gender differences in the US military.. US Army Med Dep J. :22-32.
Tranel HR, Schroder EA, England J, W Black S, Bush H, Hughes ME, Esser KA, Clasey JL.  2015.  Physical activity, and not fat mass is a primary predictor of circadian parameters in young men.. Chronobiol Int. 32(6):832-41.
