Kentucky Congress on Spinal Cord Injury Registration

Please note that KCSCI 2017 will be on Friday, October 6. Please join us for a day packed full of topics like travel after a SCI, Wellness, Recreation and Advocacy, just to name a few. We will be providing both breakfast and lunch. Free t-shirts. Vendors with all kinds of products and services. The 2017 Tom Gravitt Advocacy Award.  It should be a great day. If you have a SCI or you are a family member, a person with a disability or advocate. Even if you are just curious.

Register for this FREE conference today.

The detailed agenda and speaker information can be viewed by clicking here.

Along with free registration to the 5th annual KCSCI meeting, we have the distinction of presenting a film viewing session in the afternoon with the producer of “The Rebound,” Mike Esposito, along with one of the star athletes in the film!

For quick info about the film, see this information sheet.

Also, KCSCI has a very active presence on Facebook – to join, search for “Kentucky Congress on Spinal Cord Injury.”