Post-Construction Stormwater Management



To positively impact the chemical, biological, and overall health of the Commonwealth’s streams, rivers, and lakes by reducing the quantity and improving the quality of stormwater runoff from the MS4 after construction has been completed.


Permit Requirements

Post-Construction Stormwater Management refers to activities that take place after construction occurs and includes structural and non-structural controls to obtain permanent stormwater management over the life of the property’s use. As a key element of the Nation’s and Commonwealth’s strategy for achieving the goals of the Clean Water Act, the MS4’s Post-Construction program must:

  • Consist of BMP’s that are designed to minimize the impact of stormwater discharge on the water quality and stability of local receiving streams. This design must attempt to maintain predevelopment runoff conditions or be as equally protective.
  • Develop, adopt, and implement an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism that addresses post-construction stormwater runoff from new and redevelopment projects.
  • Require and update as necessary an on-site stormwater runoff quality treatment standard that:
    • Is based on an 80th percentile precipitation event
    • Specifies design parameters for the sizing of post-construction controls that will require the annual runoff occurring in a typical year from the site to be managed through water quality control practices
    • Requires management measures that are designed, built, and maintained to treat, filter, flocculate, infiltrate, screen, evapo-transpire, harvest, and reuse stormwater runoff, or otherwise manage stormwater runoff quality.
    • Reflect local community issues, including water-quality impairments.
  • Review policies to identify regulatory and policy impediments to the installation of green infrastructure.
  • Develop and implement project review, approval, and enforcement procedures for new development and redevelopment projects (≥ 1 acre or part of a larger common plan) including:
    • Developing written procedures for the site-plan review and approval process and a required re-approval process when changes to stormwater management measures are required.
    • Developing written procedures for a post-construction process to have been installed per design specifications, which includes enforceable procedures for bringing noncompliant projects into compliance.
  • Require BMP owners of all new development and redevelopment projects to establish and enter into long-term maintenance practices or establish other enforceable mechanisms for requiring long-term maintenance of BMPs.
  • Establish and implement written procedures for the inspection of a representative number of BMPs annually with the goal of inspecting all BMPs during the permit cycle and verifying the correct operation and maintenance of each BMP.
  • Create a program to notify the BMP owner/operator of deficiencies based on the inspection and conduct follow-up inspections to ensure completion of required repairs. Correction orders shall be enforced and the MS4 shall perform the necessary work should repairs not be made.
  • Track activities to document compliance with the permit and prepare the annual report



Activities that are part of the University’s Stormwater Quality Management Plan include:

  • Continue the adoption of LFUCG Post-Construction requirements for New/Redevelopment.
  • Evaluate the development of a Stormwater Masterplan.
  • Review plans to ensure post-construction stormwater quality treatment has been addressed.
  • Conduct inspections to ensure measures are being installed correctly.
  • Revise long-term post-construction stormwater quality BMP inspection program.
  • Incorporate all relevant post-construction information into new Stormwater Operations Manual.
  • Incorporate the Stormwater Program into the Sustainability Strategic Plan.


For more information regarding the University’s efforts to meet these MCM requirements please see our SWQMP and Annual Report sections. Here you will find information about our planned tasks, measurable goals, and scheduling as well as information on activities conducted each year. To learn more about Stormwater BMPs on campus please visit our Post-Construction BMPs section.