Clinical Seminar in Athletic Training: Two Case Presentations II

The College of Health Sciences at the University of Kentucky presents a BOC Approved Continuing Education Opportunity
11/20/2019 - 6:30am
Charles T. Wethington Building, Rm 127 at the University of Kentucky

Presenters: Robert Slowik, ATC; Caitlin Brinkman, ATC

  • Insidious Onset of a Sensory-Ocular Migraine in a Collegiate Baseball Player
  • Return to Sport following an Isolated Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear in a Collegiate Volleyball Athlete: A Case Report


This is a continuing education opportunity for athletic trainers. The College of Health Sciences at the University of Kentucky want to support the life-long learning efforts for athletic trainers. We have created a succinct and informative 1 hour of continuing education that addresses unique case studies highlighting management techniques in the field of athletic training


Insidious Onset of a Sensory-Ocular Migraine in a Collegiate Baseball Player

  1. Review a unique case about a collegiate baseball player who was diagnosed with a complex migraine after initially reporting symptoms similar to that of a stroke.
  2. Recognize potential differential diagnoses for migraines in collegiate athletes.

Return to Sport following an Isolated Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tear in a Collegiate Volleyball Athlete: A Case Report

  1. Describe the mechanism, evaluation, and management of an isolated anterior cruciate ligament tear in a collegiate volleyball player.
  2. Review the current literature exploring the success rate of return to sport in athletes with an anterior cruciate ligament tear.
  3. Summarize the rehabilitation process and return to sport criteria.

Level of content: Advanced; The content will include theory, concepts and applications of information and/or techniques that are presented beyond the Essential Level

Fee: None

Cancellation Policy: The University of Kentucky reserves the right to cancel any course and will not be responsible for any charges incurred by the participant. If the University of Kentucky cancels the event, full tuition will be returned. If the registrant chooses to cancel his or her event registration, cancellations must be in writing to qualify for a refund. This may include formal letter or electronic mail. Cancellations will not be accepted via social media platforms.