The Way Podcast: Episode 8 — The Power of Telehealth During COVID

By Ryan Clark
CHS Communications Director

In the early winter of 2020, a strange new virus was making its way across the globe, infecting thousands and killing many.

In Louisville, Ky., Tori Schaub was still trying to get used to being the youngest in her speech therapy office. Just months prior, she’d been tasked with convincing her co-workers that they needed to learn Telehealth — just in case that virus came to America and forced them all to work remotely. No one could foresee just how valuable these lessons would become.

Tori was able to help the business, and help their customers continue to receive treatment, during a pandemic.

Welcome to another episode of The Way Podcast, the official podcast of the College of Health Sciences, where we highlight the amazing people that make our college special. Here at UK, the College of Health Sciences is your Gateway to the Health Professions.

In this episode, you can hear all about Tori and Telehealth … only on The Way Podcast


Why Telehealth?
