Welcome to National Athletic Training Month!

Welcome to National Athletic Training Month!

National Athletic Training Month is held every March in order to spread awareness about the important work of athletic trainers. In celebration of the month, we have showcased one AT each week for the month — "Our May 2022 graduates — the first of our program," said Johanna Hoch, PhD, ATC and Program Director of the Professional Masters in Athletic Training.

To wrap us up, Brookelynn Thomason, MS, ATC, LAT, is currently an assistant athletic trainer at Kentucky State University with Football and Women's Basketball. We asked her a couple of questions to finish out this month's stories:

What do you love about your current role?

My favorite part about my current role is getting to wake up everyday and do something I love. I love the relationships built with my co-workers, coaches and athletes, and getting to watch as they progress through the year.

What advice do you have for athletic training students?

Always take time for yourself. Do not forget to take care of yourself while taking care of your athletes.
